I know an author interview is going well when the podcast host invites me to visit her in Spain!
That's what happened during this author interview with Lucia Matuanto. We talked about everything from writing my novel, FINGERPRINTS, and my own experiences with abusive relationships to my journey with chronic Lyme disease and mold poisoning and how all of it led me on a spiritual journey. We also discussed The Terrible Man Upstairs and how his awful energy was actually a gift that inspired me to get rid of all my belongings and launch my digital nomad journey. Then we talked about what I learned in beautiful Bonaire and what's next on my journey as a nomad. Lucia also asked about the women's book club fiction novel, ALL THE MOMENTS IN BETWEEN, that I'm currently querying literary agents. In that novel, Kate Edison thought she’d finally gotten everything she wanted; a job as a set decorator, a fiancé who adored her, and the perfect Hollywood Craftsman bungalow for the two of them to renovate together. But when Kate discovered she was pregnant, the doctor found a lump in her breast. After Kate was diagnosed with an estrogen driven cancer, she had to make the unbearable choice between her life and the baby’s. When she chose herself, her fiancé ghosted her and she was left alone in the empty run-down house. Instead of dealing with her trauma, Kate makes bad decision after bad decision. She drinks to forget her abusive childhood and her estranged sister, cancer, and the abortion, and has an affair with a married man. A leaky roof in a never ending LA rainy season forces her to invite a set carpenter into her neglected home. She’s relieved he doesn’t judge her and eventually suspects that might be because he too, carries past shame. As they scrape, sand, and repair together, at 38 years old, Kate clings to her first true friendship and tries not to do what she always does: screw it up. It's no coincidence that my novels FINGERPRINTS, CHOOSING TALLY, and ALL THE MOMENTS IN BETWEEN all revolve around characters who are on healing journeys and who ultimately learn to love themselves. If you follow this blog, you know I'm on a spiritual journey of my own. Please click the Play button to listen to my author interview with Lucia Matuanto.
