This may be the most fun interview I have ever done (and I've done a lot of interviews). Talking with Rachel Garrett on the Spiritual Spotlight Series podcast felt like chatting with my BFF. We were insta friends bantering about how doctors say, "Your tests look fine," and "Do you think it's just anxiety?" even though you feel crap.
We talked about Lyme Disease and how after taking antibiotics I was told to forget I ever had Lyme. I described the devastating moment after I got dumped that I realized I needed help and thankfully ended up working with an amazing somatic healer and launching a healing journey.
We talked about the digital nomad journey that led me to become an AmpCoil Practitioner and the Greek writing retreat where horrified international writers were appalled that I had to sneak out of a hospital because I couldn't afford to stay. And how their shock made me realize I needed to write my memoir, Pre-existing Conditions.
I also told Rachel about the time I arrived in a foreign country with everything I owned in one big suitcase that got lost and how a stranger took me to buy underwear. We ranted about how the American healthcare system is a travesty and that thankfully there are other ways to heal yourself.
I offered advice about holistic healing modalities that helped me heal and shared AmpCoil success stories like my mom's amazing AmpCoil journey to becoming osteoporosis-free!
And we laughed the whole way! So, please join the fun and check out the show by clicking the play arrow below. Let me know what you think in the comments.