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Writer: Suzanne CasamentoSuzanne Casamento

It’s like this

YOU glow

Eyes the brightest blue

Belief in your words

Finally sure

That you’re good enough

YOU are the luckiest man in the room

And you don’t even know it

No one to protect

You can apply the brakes

Make a u-turn

And change your route

YOU curled your hair

Lightened your heart

Rocked the dress

Fought for equality and won

YOU somehow grew

Hoisted up slouched shoulders

Wiped the hair from your eyes

Made us wonder how we missed out on that

YOU rub your wife’s hand

Avoid her eyes

Mine too

Dance the fine line of good

And echo sadness

YOU almost did it

Almost signed the papers but panicked

Because you didn’t know what life would be like without that person

YOU are the 2.0 version of the hottest girl in school

Not just hot but smart

You feel it

You show it

You own it

YOU face things I can’t imagine

Lies mountains high

Hope mountains high

Brave enough to love anyway

YOU forgot to make me a name tag

Then told me it didn’t matter

That nobody could forget me

You were right

YOU spent your Sunday with me and your beautiful wife

Connecting the dots like they never disconnected

Seeing things my way

Or is it your way?

Like we always did

I type these words at 30,000 feet

Thankful for the opportunity to peek into your worlds

And go back to mine


While going through old files, I found a poem called "Reunion." Apparently, I wrote it after a high school reunion. I'm pretty sure it was after our 10th. I have a couple ideas who I wrote about, but some of it has me seriously perplexed.

To my high school friends, do you know who I was writing about? And to everyone, what stood out to you at your reunions?

2 則留言


At my 10th year reunion I was barely 4 months pregnant with my first child so I was putting on weight, not feeling great and couldn’t find a nice dress that fit me well. I felt fat and underdressed at the fancy restaurant we were at. My husband did not come along so I went with one of my best friends. We sat with our same bunch of old friends—the ones you still sent Christmas cards to—and other cliques from back in the day sat with theirs. I felt like not much had changed except for hairlines and waistlines and for the fact it was legal to finally to have a drink at a party. I touched base with those…

Suzanne Casamento
Suzanne Casamento

Sounds like you were able to reconnect with the friends you were supposed to reconnect with. How wonderful that you had inspiring teachers you loved. I had a special English teacher in high school who was kind to me and it really meant a lot. ❤️


©2025 by Suzanne Casamento. 

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