Dear Readers
I’m sorry I haven’t written
I’ve been thinking about you and trying to find the right words to share but so much is happening in the world, in my world, that it feels like there’s no good place to start
“Be where your feet are,” a friend once said
Wonderful advice for free-range feet roaming
country to country
state to state
inn to inn
home to home - but not mine - always someone’s else’s
Which is lovely and kind
But a constant reminder of what is not mine
So, I wonder, is it time?
To have a home
A tiny place that is mine and no one else’s
Where I can rest among my things
Ah yes, things. What things?
Four boxes of things in a friend’s attic
Two drawers of clothing at my parents’ homes
A few tops and some sneakers at H’s
What will I do? Go from place to place, collecting things, and piece together a new life from old things?
Funny how things can be things we hold in our hands and things we hold in hearts
Funny how we can want more things and also elate in letting things go
So, I sit here in someone else’s home, being where my feet are Suspended in a kind of jetlagged time warp
Some cells in Scottish Castles Tiny stone chapels Sheep covered hillsides
Some cells in California
Some cells lighting up the miles in between
And for now, I rest
And stop thinking about things
And focus on being where my feet are
When my brain unscrambles
And my cells choose their final destination
I’ll be back with stories
And stories
And stories
Of all the moments in between

This is truly beautiful.💖
I await the stories!