It’s like this
We come from the same place
The same time
Yet nothing is the same
Somewhere along the way, we divided
Split lives, beliefs, attention
It’s not your fault or mine
In fact, there's no fault in any of it
It’s not a race or a competition
It’s a journey
Oh yes, a “journey”
How cliché But isn’t there a reason clichés are clichés?
Because there’s always truth at the root
Just like you and me
Truth at the root
The outer setting the same
But on the inside, we absorbed too much
Other people’s energy, stuff, fears, beliefs
They formed us, our paths, our “journeys”
Until mine crashed, stalled in disease, buried under all of what was not mine
It took my power, my will, my body, my hair, and destroyed what might my little engine had left
Until I had no choice but to let that will, power, body, and hair go
Surrender to new power, will, body, hair, and might
And shed all I learned from others’ energy, stuff, fears, and beliefs
Clearing the negative, the lies, the pain, the toxic behaviors
Still clearing, clearing, clearing
Still learning, learning, learning
And I see you there, still standing where we stood years ago, lodged at the root
I share my experiences, invite you along
But you’re not ready yet
And that’s ok
After all, it’s not a race, not a competition
It’s a journey
Beautiful Suzie.