In the early 70’s, my grandfather was short of breath and constantly fatigued, so he went to a doctor. After some tests, he was told there was a blockage in one of his arteries and he needed surgery.
At the time, open heart surgery was very serious and risky and my grandfather did not want to have the operation.
So, he decided he would heal himself.
The doctors thought he was crazy and told him he’d die without the operation. Nonetheless, my grandfather was sure that he could heal himself through exercise and visualization.
The first day, he made a goal to walk down his driveway to the mailbox (which was probably 200 feet from his front door). As he walked, he envisioned blood pumping through his veins and clear arteries to his heart.
He wasn't able to walk all the way to the mailbox. So, the next day, he tried again. Eventually, as he envisioned his blood flowing through clear veins and arteries and pumping through a strong heart, he reached the mailbox. Then he walked down the block. Pretty soon, he was walking a mile every day while visualizing strong healthy blood flowing through his strong healthy body.
By the time he went back to the doctor, he was feeling and looking great.
The doctor was shocked, so he did more tests. The test results showed something miraculous.
The damaged artery was still blocked, but a slew of tiny new pathways had formed around it, sending blood where it needed to go.
My grandfather had thought his way to health.
My mom told me that story when I was suffering from chronic Lyme disease. Just knowing that he was able to heal himself with his mind, led me to shift the way I thought about healing myself.
Now I picture happy, bouncy, perfectly round cells flowing through my body. I talk to them. I tell my cells how I much I love them and how grateful I am that they’re keeping me healthy.
It may sound kooky, but it works for me!
What works for you? And what have you shifted by using your mind?

That picture looks like you dancing with your grandpa! Except in sepia tones. I completely believe in the power of mind to make things happen. The stories I tell myself create the reality I experience. I believe life is more joy than pain (and at 65 that is my experience), I believe there will always be enough money for my needs (so far so good), I believe my body is healthy and strong. After a week with stomach flu, I still believe that. Health isn't never being hurt or sick, it's always coming back from setbacks. I'm looking forward to your memoir, Suzanne! I found out recently that a friend of my sister's has chronic Lyme disease that surfaces and…
I love this!
Your Grandfather was indeed a remarkable man In so many ways. i have used his “method” many times. And he was a lot of fun!