We're 15 days into a new year. So, I gotta ask, do you make New Year's Resolutions?
Personally, I feel like making a grand resolution in the beginning of the year adds a lot of pressure. I like to do things slowly, chunk by chunk. For me, shifting in bite-sized bits relieves pressure and makes big changes feel easier.
But everybody's different. I have a friend who, every year, chooses a word like "peace," "abundance" or "adventure" and the strives to be that word.
Other people are super serious with their New Year's resolutions. They set goals and track and measure their progress.
So, what about you? Are you planning on a new year, new you? If so, how's it going so far?

One resolution this year... to live as authentically as humanly possible. What you see is waht you get. It's a biggie. So far so good!
I've been making New Year's resolutions my whole life, or at least since 1978 when I was 21. I've saved each year's resolutions since then. I know I made them before that, but they are lost to the mists of time. I've taken all sorts of approaches: a few notes on high-level topics, multi-level bulleted treatises with due dates and intermediate details, focused on just a few topics, once a 13-point plan for my entire life (that was after the autumn I took the Stephen Covey time management program). They've been spiritually oriented, health-focused, or career/mate driven. Some are quite wistful. Some years I repeated much of the previous years; other times, I went in a completely different direction.
Nope. I find that if I break the resolutions, I feel guilty and that can be a real setback to whatever the goal was. I like what Suzanne said about breaking things down into bite-sized chunks. I try to set small goals that help move me towards a positive life shift. And I don't let the calendar decide when I get a fresh start, I can reset anytime or any day I want. 🙏💗
I made 2... to continue my fitness/healthy routines and 2) to stop helicoptoring my kids. Let them come to me more. I let them know this was my resolution so they understood and they seemed pretty happy I made this one a #1 priority! Focus on me more and my needs and know its ok - my kids got this and if they can ask me for help and/or also learn from mistakes.
I made 8!! 7 are really more goals than resolutions, related to recovering from an injury.
The 8th is to finish the novel I started to write. (That is so funny that my sides hurt from laughing as I write this!!!! I have 400 words! )